Arran The Exciseman is the third and final installment of the popular Smugglers' Series. This limited edition series is dedicated to the island's smuggling history. In the distant past, illegal distilleries produced whiskey here and smuggled it from the island to other areas. The third part of the Smuggler's Series matures in both Madeira barrels and quarter casks. At Arran they chose to use Madeira barrels for maturation, because the smugglers of the past also used these barrels to store and transport their whiskey. The smugglers also liked to use small barrels because they were easy to transport. For this reason, quarter casks were also used for the maturation of Arran The Exciseman, as a nod to the past. Honey is abundantly present in the scent. This is accompanied by fresh influences from the coast and necessary layers of fruit. A spicy hint is also noticeable. Full and refreshing in the mouth. Apple, citrus give the taste a lively twist, while at the same time it is full and pronounced.